Page 495 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 495
Buyers, Salesmen, &c.
Manchester Grocery and Provisions—
Mr. J. HoLDEN. Mr. A. W. Lobb. Mr. J. Mastin.
Mr. R. Turner. Mr. L. Wilson.
Mr. H. Wiggins Manchester Paper, Twine, &c.
Mr. J. Jackson Grocery Warehouse.
Mr. G. Gaener Trafford Bacon Factory.
Mr. J. Smith Trafford Wharf Warehouse.
Manchester Drapery and Allied Departments—
Mr. W. Gibson.
Mr. J. D. Ball. Mr. J. C. Foden. Mr. P. Ryder.
Mr. J. Blomeley. Mr. E. Lees. Mr. W. Swindale.
Mr. J. BowDEN. Mr. H. Moores. Mr. G. Tomlinson.
Mr. J. Ede. Mr. E. C. Revett.
Manchester Boots and Furnishing—
Mr. H. Jackson Boots and Shoes and Saddlery.
Mr. T. R. Allen General Furnishing.
Mr. F. E. HowAKTH Furniture and Hardware.
Mr. S. Allen Coal Department.
Mr. R. Ashton Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, and Beeston
Hides and Skins.
Mr. R. Ashton Pontefract Fellmongering.
Mr. A. E. Menzies Shipping Department.
Shipping and Forwarding Depots—
Mr. W. L. Kewley Liverpool Grocery and Provisions.
Mr. J. Marquis Rouen (France).
Mr. E. W. Raper Goole.
Mr. W. B. Price Joint London Tea and Coffee.
Mr. E. J. Stafford Joint Luton Cocoa and Chocolate.
Mr. W. Pollard Leeds.
Mr. A. Delves Nottingham.
Mr. J. O'Brien Huddersfield.
Mr. J. Bablow Birmingham.
Mr. H. Shelmerdine Blackburn.
Mr. J. Rhodes Longton Crockery Depot.
Mr. H. H. Bailey Birmingham Cycle Depot.
Mr. H. R. Bailey Chief Clerk.
Mr. R. Wilkinson Grocery and Provisions.
Mr. T. Weatherson Grocery and Provisions.
Mr. J. Atkinson Greengrocery.
Mr. R. A. Wallis Drugs, Drysaltery, &c.
Mr. H. Glenny Paper, Twine, &c.
Mr. J. Lee Dress.
Mr. W. Stoddart Manchester and Greys.
Mr. T. Towns Hosiery, Haberdashery, Mercery, Millinery,
Fancy, and Mantles.