Page 514 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 514
The following diagrams are for comparative purposes only, index-numbers
taking the place of absolute figures. They are drawTi on a logarithmic scale,
which differs from the more familiar simple form. In the latter, the distances
from 1 to 2, or 2 to 4 respectively, equal those of from 4 to 5 and from 5 to 7,
although the ratio of advance is much greater in the first and second than in
the third and fourth cases. The logarithmic scale avoids this false representa-
tion, keeping the space from 100 and 200, for example, equal to that from 80
to 160, or 40 to 80; while the space, say, from 40 to 50 (an advance of one-
fomth) equals that from 100 to 125 or 80 to 100.
This form of diagram, being pvu-ely of relations, also enables separate
movements to be shown on one sheet in their relative significance.