Page 239 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 239


     PS-12     103.  Do you hire and manage your staff? (Managing staff includes telling them what time
                      to come to work, what their duties are, giving feedback about whether they’re doing a
                       good job, firing staff.)
               Other Respondent: Do you and/or this person hire and manage the person’s staff?

               Respondent: (  ) 1-individual  (  ) 2-family/friend   (  ) 3-staff   (  ) 4-other
                    □  98. Not applicable—does not participate in decisions about how to use supports

                        budget, hiring staff, or managing services
                    □  2. Yes
                    □  3. Maybe, not sure
                    □  1. No
                    □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

               104.  Can you make changes to your budget/services if you need to? (Can you decide to buy
                       something different?)

               Other Respondent: Can you and/or the person make changes to the budget/services if

               Respondent: (  ) 1-individual  (  ) 2-family/friend   (  ) 3-staff   (  ) 4-other
                    □  98. Not applicable—does not participate in decisions about how to use supports

                        budget, hiring staff, or managing services
                    □  2. Yes
                    □  3. Maybe, not sure
                    □  1. No
                    □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

               105.  Do you have enough help deciding how to use your budget/services?

               Other Respondent: Do you and/or the person have enough help deciding how to use the

               Respondent: (  ) 1-individual  (  ) 2-family/friend   (  ) 3-staff   (  ) 4-other

                    □  98. Not applicable—does not participate in decisions about how to use supports
                        budget, hiring staff, or managing services
                    □  2. Yes, have enough help
                    □  3. Maybe, not sure
                    □  1. No, want more help

                    □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

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