Page 240 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 240
PS-11 106. Do you get information about how much money is left in your budget/services?
(Do you get information from ___________________________________?)
[financial management service]
Other Respondent: Do you and/or the person get information about how much money is left in
the budget/services?
Respondent: ( ) 1-individual ( ) 2-family/friend ( ) 3-staff ( ) 4-other
□ 98. Not applicable—does not participate in decisions about how to use supports
budget, hiring staff, or managing services →Code 107 and 108 as ‘Not applicable’
□ 2. Yes
□ 3. Maybe, not sure
□ 1. No →Code 107 and 108 as ‘Not applicable’
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response →Code 107 and 108 as ‘Don’t know,
no response, unclear response’
107. If yes, is the information easy to understand?
Respondent: ( ) 1-individual ( ) 2-family/friend ( ) 3-staff ( ) 4-other
□ 98. Not applicable—does not get information about how much money is left in
budget/services or does not participate in decisions about how to use supports
budget, hiring staff, or managing services
□ 2. Yes
□ 3. Maybe, not sure
□ 1. No
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
108. How often do you get information about how much money is left in your
Other Respondent: How often do you and/or the person get information about how much
money is left in the budget/services?
Respondent: ( ) 1-individual ( ) 2-family/friend ( ) 3-staff ( ) 4-other
□ 98. Not applicable—does not get information about how much money is left in
budget/services or does not participate in decisions about how to use supports
budget, hiring staff, or managing services
□ 2. At least every three months
□ 3. About twice a year
□ 1. Once a year or less
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
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