Page 316 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 316
Background Information
Q# Q Indicator/Intent Other Notes Field Appropriate (Y/N)
BI-68 Has this person ever been Diagnosed or presumed If No, skip to BI-73
diagnosed or presumed diagnosed with COVID-19
diagnosed with COVID-
BI-69 Has this person ever Required in-patient If No, skip to BI-73 N
required in-patient hospitalization due to
hospitalization due to COVID-19
COVID -19?
BI-70 If this person required in- Required intubation N
patient hospitalization during in-patient
due to COVID-19, did this hospitalization due to
person require COVID-19
BI-71 If this person required in- Sent to ICU during in- N
patient hospitalization patient hospitalization
due to COVID-19, was this
person sent to the
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)?