Page 311 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 311

Background Information

 Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Other Notes   Field Appropriate (Y/N)
 BI-59   In this person’s service   Person-centeredness in   Used in conjunction with questions in   N
 plan, is there a goal to   service planning   Section I to determine whether people
 create, expand,   are supported to achieve their person-
 strengthen and/or   centered goals.
 maintain friendships and
 BI-60   In this person’s service   Person-centeredness in   Used in conjunction with questions in   N
 plan, is there a goal to   service planning   Section I and II to determine whether
 increase this person’s   people are supported to achieve their
 participation in activities   person-centered goals.
 in the community?

 BI-61   In this person’s service   Person-centeredness in   Used in conjunction with questions in   N
 plan, is there a goal to   service planning   Section I to determine whether people
 increase independence or   are supported to achieve their person-
 improve functional   centered goals.
 performance in activities
 of daily living (ADLs)?

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