Page 306 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 306

Background Information

                                         Q#      Q                      Indicator/Intent       Other Notes                        Field Appropriate (Y/N)
                                         BI-49   Is community           The proportion of people   This information should be collected for   N
                                                 employment a goal in this  who have a goal of   everyone regardless of age or
                                                 person’s service plan?   integrated employment in  employment status.
                                                                        their individualized service

                                         BI-50   Is this person enrolled in   Whether the person goes                             N
                                                 school?                to school (high school

                                                                                   COMMUNITY EMPLOYMENT
                                         BI-51   Does this person receive   Of those with a paid   Only respond for those with a paid job in   N
                                                 paid time off (e.g.,   community job, the     a community-based setting (if BI-43, BI-
                                                 vacation, holiday, or sick   proportion of people who   44 and BI-46 is marked “YES”)
                                                 time) at his/her job?   get paid time off

                                         BI-52   How long has this person   Of those with a paid                                  N
                                                 been working at his/her   community job, the
                                                 current job?  (If multiple   average length of time
                                                 jobs, pick the job the   they have been working at
                                                 person has worked at the   their current job
                                         BI-53   Is this person self-   Of those with a paid                                      N
                                                 employed?              community job, the
                                                                        proportion of people who
                                                                        are self-employed

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