Page 302 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 302

Background Information

                                         Q#      Q                      Indicator/Intent       Other Notes                        Field Appropriate (Y/N)
                                         BI-46   Paid work in a         The proportion of people   Information should be based on the most  N
                                                 community business     who have a paid job in the  common two-week period, not
                                                 that primarily hires   community              necessarily the two weeks prior to
                                                 people with disabilities                      collecting this data. If the person works at
                                                                                               more than one business that primarily
                                                                                               hires people with disabilities, reference
                                                                                               the job where s/he spends more time.
                                                                                               This setting refers to a job that is in the
                                                                                               community and is accessed by the public,
                                                                                               but most employees have a disability. In
                                                                                               this job, the employees with disabilities
                                                                                               interact with the non-disabled
                                                                                               population; this job is NOT in a traditional
                                                                                               sheltered workshop and is NOT an
                                                                                               enclave. Examples include bakeries,
                                                                                               carwashes, thrift stores, etc.

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