Page 299 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 299

Background Information

 Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Other Notes   Field Appropriate (Y/N)

 Community-based setting is a place where most people do not have disabilities.
 Facility-based setting is a place where most people do have disabilities.

 BI-43   Paid individual job in a   The proportion of people   Information should be based on the most  N
 community-based setting   who have a paid job in the  common two-week period, not
 community   necessarily the two weeks prior to
 collecting this data. If the person has
 more than one paid individual job,
 reference the job where s/he spends
 more time.
 This setting refers to an integrated
 setting in which people without
 disabilities also work. This is an individual
 job at a local business where the person
 works alongside peers without disabilities
 – a standard job in the labor market.
 Wage information reflects hourly wages
 earned in a typical two-week period.

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