Page 294 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 294

Background Information

                                         Q#      Q                      Indicator/Intent       Other Notes                        Field Appropriate (Y/N)
                                         BI-38   If this person lives in a   Whether congregate                                   N
                                                 group home, an         settings are controlled by
                                                 Intermediate Care Facility  the state or other entity
                                                 for persons with I/DD
                                                 (ICF/IID) or a specialized
                                                 institutional facility, is it
                                                 publicly or privately

                                         BI-39   Is the person named on   The proportion of people   This question is asked of everyone   N
                                                 the lease, deed, or other   whose name is listed on   regardless of home setting.
                                                 legally enforceable rental   the lease or other
                                                 agreement?             enforceable rental
                                                                        agreement to their home
                                                                        or apartment

                                         BI-40   Does the person own his   Whether person owns the                                N
                                                 or her own home?       home

                                         BI-41   Has this person ever lived  Whether person ever lived  Please note, this question intends to   N
                                                 in an institutional setting   in an institutional setting   capture if the person lived for at least
                                                 for longer than a year (for                   one year in an institutional setting, not
                                                 example a nursing home                        several shorter stays, for example for
                                                 or large ICF)?                                respite.

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