Page 293 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 293

Background Information

 Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Other Notes   Field Appropriate (Y/N)
 BI-37   Is the person’s residence   Whether person lives in   ‘Controlled’ means the service provider is  N
 controlled by a service   an agency-operated   also connected to the property by lease
 provider?     setting   or ownership. This may include foster
 care or host home settings as defined in
 BI-38. If the person changed their service
 provider agency, would they need to
 move? If they would respond “YES” to
 this question, the residence is considered
 provider owned or controlled.
 A “No” response indicates:
 • The person owns or rents from a
 landlord who is not the provider agency
 and is not affiliated with the provider
 agency in any way.

 • The person lives in the home of

 • The person is living in foster care and
 the foster care/host home is not
 controlled by a provider agency, nor is
 the foster care home under contract to
 the service provider agency to deliver
 foster care services.

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