Page 291 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 291

Background Information

 Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Other Notes   Field Appropriate (Y/N)
 BI-34   Does this person   To record whether the   Note the definition of a behavior plan in   N
 currently have a behavior  person has a behavior   the survey.
 plan?   plan   Behavior plans may be exclusive to one
 type of setting (e.g., in school).

 BI-35   How long has this person   Length of residence   An ‘NA’ response indicates the person is   N
 lived in his/her current   homeless
 BI-36   How would you   Type of residence   Group residential settings are defined as   N
 characterize the place   settings that are operated by a provider
 where this person lives?   agency. If the person changed their
 service provider agency, would they need
 to move? If yes, the residence is
 considered provider owned, operated
 and/or controlled.
 Be aware of separate “foster care/host
 home” responses that are based on the
 number of people with disabilities who
 live in the home. Shared living settings
 should be coded as “12-Foster Care/Host
 Home” unless the provider agency
 operates the home in which the shared
 living is taking place.

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