Page 289 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 289

Background Information

 Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Other Notes   Field Appropriate (Y/N)
 BI-30   Does this person   To calculate the   Medications can be any type used for   N
 currently take   proportion of people   these purposes, they do not have to be
 medications to treat   taking medications for   psychotropic medications.
 mood, anxiety and/or
 mood disorders, anxiety,
 psychotic disorders
 and/or psychotic
 BI-31   If ‘yes’ to BI-30, how   Of those taking      N
 many medications to   medication for mood,
 anxiety and/or psychotic
 treat mood disorders,
 disorder, the number of
 anxiety, and/or psychotic
 medications taken
 disorders does this
 person take?
 BI-32   Does this person   To calculate the      N
 currently take   proportion of people
 medications for   taking medications for
 behavioral challenges
 behavioral challenges?

 BI-33   If ‘yes’ to BI-32, how   Of those taking   This may include medications counted in   N
 many medications to   medication for behavioral   BI-30 if the medications are used to
 treat behavioral   challenges, the number of   manage behavioral challenges.
 medications taken
 challenges does this
 person take?

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