Page 289 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 289
Background Information
Q# Q Indicator/Intent Other Notes Field Appropriate (Y/N)
BI-30 Does this person To calculate the Medications can be any type used for N
currently take proportion of people these purposes, they do not have to be
medications to treat taking medications for psychotropic medications.
mood, anxiety and/or
mood disorders, anxiety,
psychotic disorders
and/or psychotic
BI-31 If ‘yes’ to BI-30, how Of those taking N
many medications to medication for mood,
anxiety and/or psychotic
treat mood disorders,
disorder, the number of
anxiety, and/or psychotic
medications taken
disorders does this
person take?
BI-32 Does this person To calculate the N
currently take proportion of people
medications for taking medications for
behavioral challenges
behavioral challenges?
BI-33 If ‘yes’ to BI-32, how Of those taking This may include medications counted in N
many medications to medication for behavioral BI-30 if the medications are used to
treat behavioral challenges, the number of manage behavioral challenges.
medications taken
challenges does this
person take?