Page 285 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 285
Background Information
Q# Q Indicator/Intent Other Notes Field Appropriate (Y/N)
BI-21 When was the last time Used to calculate the This may include a documented hearing test Y
this person had a hearing proportion of people that happened as part of a routine physical
test? who have regular but must be a test that seeks to determine
routine exams and flu whether a person has hearing loss. It does
vaccination in a timely not need to be a visit to a hearing specialist.
manner However, this is must include testing a
person’s hearing.
BI-22 During the past 12 Used to calculate the Y
months, has this person proportion of people who
had a flu vaccination? had routine preventive
health care
BI-23 How much does this Calculated with height to Y
person weigh? ___ ___ determine body mass
___ lbs. index (BMI)
BI-24 How tall is this person? Calculated with weight to Y
___feet ___ ___ inches determine body mass
index (BMI)
BI-25 Does this person use To calculate the This includes e-cigarettes. Y
nicotine or tobacco proportion of people who
products (e.g., cigarettes, maintain healthy habits in
e-cigarettes, chewing such areas as smoking,
tobacco, etc.)? weight, and exercise