Page 281 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 281

Background Information

 Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Other Notes   Field Appropriate (Y/N)
 BI-12   What other conditions   Record the person’s co-  Information should come from records   N
 are noted in this person’s   occurring diagnoses other   and have been diagnosed by a clinician.
 record?   than ID   For each diagnosis, please check off a
 ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘don’t know’ response.

 BI-13   What health conditions   Record additional   Information should come from records   N
 are noted in this person’s   conditions other than ID   and have been diagnosed by a clinician.
 record?   For each diagnosis, please check off a
 ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘don’t know’ response.

 BI-14   What is this person’s   Primary language   If person is bilingual, please select the   Y
 primary language? (What   language the person is most comfortable
 language does s/he best   with or uses more often.

 BI-15   What is this person’s   Person’s primary   Only one means of communication can   Y
 preferred means of   communication style   be coded; if the person uses more than
 communication?   one type of communication style, please
 code the most frequently used method or
 the method the person feels most
 comfortable using.

 BI-16   How would you describe   Level of support needed      Y
 this person’s mobility?   to move self around their

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