Page 276 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 276

Background Information

                                         Q#      Q                      Indicator/Intent       Other Notes                        Field Appropriate (Y/N)
                                         BI-4    What is this person’s race  Person’s race and   Check all that apply.            N
                                                 and ethnicity? Check ONE  ethnicity           Race and ethnicity are now captured in
                                                 or MORE races to indicate                     one question.
                                                 what this person
                                                 considers themselves to
                                         BI-5    Does this person have a   Whether the person is   Question continues to capture full or   N
                                                 legal appointed        legally under          limited guardianship, but now also
                                                 guardian/conservator (a   guardianship.       provides a category for those unable to
                                                 person who is legally                         distinguish between categories.
                                                 granted authority to
                                                 make decisions on behalf
                                                 of the individual)?
                                         BI-6    If this person has a   Relationship of        If ‘other’, please explain.        N
                                                 legal/court-appointed   guardian/conservator
                                                 guardian, what is the
                                                 guardian’s relationship to
                                                 the individual?

                                         BI-7    Marital status         Marital status                                            Y

                                         BI-8    Is this person a parent?   Whether the person has a   Check all that apply.      N
                                                 (This includes adult   child (of any age)

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