Page 273 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 273
Background Information
When possible, all Background Information should be collected from administrative records or case management files. In some
states, this may not be possible for all people included in the sample, in which case certain questions may be collected by surveyors
in the field.
Only a subset of questions may be collected in the field, those questions are noted with a meeting symbol:
Any questions that are not considered field appropriate (and do not have the meeting symbol ) must be collected from state
records or case managers. They should not be asked directly of the person being surveyed.
Considerations for States:
States, in consultation with HSRI, determine the most efficient and reliable process for collecting Background Information data and
entering data into the ODESA system.
• States may opt to have case managers/service coordinators collect and enter background information data into the ODESA
system. Those ODESA accounts must be set up with appropriate restrictions.
• In some cases, background information cannot be collected prior to the survey meeting, and the surveyor may be asked to
collect a limited number of field appropriate background items. If this is the case, your state NCI coordinator will give you
specific instructions. The collection of Background Information data, if being collected during the face-to-face survey, is
usually done AFTER Section I.
• Items in the Background Information section that are highlighted in yellow are used for risk adjustment to account for
differences in samples, and states should pay particular attention to ensuring that these items are gathered accurately and
from the best available information source.