Page 268 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 268


                                         Q#                 Q                              Intent                               Other Notes
                                         PS-3    Person who can provide    Provides contact information for the person   Employment information collected in the
                                                 information about this    who may be able to help answer background   background section of the survey is used for
                                                 individual’s employment   information questions on employment   analysis. States should use this question to
                                                                           (BI-43–BI-48)—for example, a job coach   determine the person who can help provide the
                                                                                                                 most accurate information.

                                         PS-4    Proxy Respondents         Provides contact information for individuals   Reminder: Proxy respondents may only be used
                                                                           who may be able to complete some or all of   for Section II of the survey, and only if the person
                                                                           Section II of the survey              is unwilling or unable to complete the section on
                                                                                                                 his/her own; if the person is unwilling to
                                                                                                                 participate, Section II should only be completed
                                                                                                                 with a proxy respondent if the person gives

                                         PS-5    Living Arrangement        Provides information on the type of   Insert name in question: Q63
                                                                           residence and names of roommates

                                         PS-6    Support Staff             Provides name and contact information for   Insert name in questions: Q41-Q43 and Q70
                                                                           all staff who work directly with the individual
                                         PS-7    Employment                Provides the name of the person’s place of   Insert name in questions: Q7, Q9, Q66
                                         PS-8    Day Program or Sheltered   Provides the name of the person’s day   Insert name in questions: Q11 and Q67
                                                 Workshop                  program or workshop

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