Page 266 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 266


                                         Q#                 Q                              Intent                               Other Notes
                                         A       Name(s) of the person(s)   Provides a point of contact in case additional
                                                 completing this form      information is needed on the Pre-Survey
                                                                           and/or person to be surveyed
                                         B       Person to be surveyed     Provides contact and address information for
                                                                           the person to be surveyed

                                         C       Legal guardian information,   Provides name and contact information for   Reminder: Surveyors should know the state’s
                                                 if applicable             the guardian/conservator              requirements related to contacting a person’s
                                                                                                                 guardian or conservator if the person has one.
                                                                                                                 Requirements and protocols vary by state.
                                         D       Approval requirements and   Reminder to surveyors to comply with state-
                                                 procedures                specific consent requirements; at minimum,
                                                                           all surveyors must inform the individual that
                                                                           the survey is voluntary

                                         PS-1    Contact                   Provides contact information for the person
                                                                           who can help set up the meeting time and
                                                                           supply information on the person’s need for
                                                                           support, assistance, and/or accommodations
                                                                           during the meeting
                                         PS-2    Case Manager/Service      Name and contact information of the case   Insert name in questions: Q33, Q34, Q69
                                                 Coordinator               manager/service coordinator

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