Page 263 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 263

Cover Sheet

 The cover sheet includes information about the scheduling and set-up of the survey meeting. Not all questions are applicable to all states;
 surveyors should contact their NCI coordinator to determine what information must be recorded. Among other information, this sheet is used to
 help states better understand reasons surveys cannot be completed be used to determine reasons the survey meeting may not take place and
 other attributes of the survey meeting.

 Cover Sheet
 Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Other Notes

 SC-1   Survey Code   Identifies surveys   This code will be supplied by the State or contractor. It is
            important that the survey code match the appropriate
            survey. If HSRI needs to follow up on a particular survey
            during data cleaning, the unique survey code is used in
            communications with the State/contractor.
 SC-2   Survey Status   Identifies reasons that a survey   States may use this information to update or correct
 meeting was not conducted   outdated contact information and understand access
            issues in the state.
            If there were technology-related barriers to administering
            remote survey, proceed to Question SC-3

 SC-3   Technology related survey   Identifies barriers/challenges related
 status   to technology if survey meeting was
 not conducted

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