Page 265 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 265
Pre-Survey information is collected before the meeting takes place.
• This information is used to assist surveyors in setting up the survey meeting. It collects familiar names and terms to prepare the surveyor
for a more personalized conversation when conducting the survey.
• It may be collected from the person’s case manager/service coordinator, from state records, and sometimes from family.
• It can be entered into ODESA (HSRI’s online data entry system for all NCI surveys); this is particularly useful for surveyors who are using
laptops or other internet-connected devices at the time of the survey. This module is not opened unless requested for use. States must
request to have this module opened in ODESA. Names entered into the Pre-Survey form in ODESA will automatically fill in throughout
the survey where appropriate.
• Pre-Survey information is for the purpose of arranging and setting up the survey. This information is not analyzed by the State or NCI.