Page 283 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 283
Background Information
Q# Q Indicator/Intent Other Notes Field Appropriate (Y/N)
BI-17 Does this person have a Used to calculate the Y
primary care doctor or proportion of people who
primary care have a primary care
practitioner? physician
BI-18 When was his/her last Used to calculate the Y
complete annual physical proportion of people who
exam? (We’re referring to have regular routine
a routine exam, not a visit exams and flu vaccination
for a specific problem or in a timely manner
BI-19 When was his/her last Used to calculate the This is looking for routine care, not an Y
dentist exam (routine proportion of people who emergency care situation or oral surgery.
preventative dental have regular routine
care)? exams and flu vaccination
in a timely manner
BI-20 When was the last time Used to calculate the This may include documented eye exam Y
this person had an eye proportion of people who or vision screening that happened as part
exam/vision screening? have regular routine of a routine physical. It does not need to
exams and flu vaccination be a visit to a vision specialist.
in a timely manner