Page 369 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 369

Section II

 Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Suggested Rephrase and Tips   Other Notes
 63   Who did you usually   Who the person typically does
 go with when you   community activities with
 went on errands or

 64   Do you participate   The proportion of people who   *Includes things like religious   This question is meant to find out whether
 as a member of   regularly participate in   groups, sports teams, book   people are integrated in their communities
 community groups   everyday integrated activities   clubs, etc.    apart from just going places.
 in your community?   in their communities
 *Groups must be integrated.   This question has a yes/no response, it does
 (This includes church   not seek to determine the frequency with
 groups, book clubs,   which the person took part in this activity in
 knitting groups or   the past month.
 any other formal or
 informal community
 group in an inclusive

 65   Who did you   Who the person typically does     This question is about any type of formal or
 participate in   community activities with   informal groups including (but not limited
 community groups     to): church groups, book clubs, sports
 with?                leagues.
                      Do not include self-advocacy groups that are
                      not integrated.
 66   Do you want to be a   Proportion of people satisfied   Should be asked even if
 part of more groups   with frequency they take part   person is not currently
 in your community?   in community activities   involved with community

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