Page 376 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 376

Section II

                                         Q#           Q                Indicator/Intent     Suggested Rephrase and Tips            Other Notes

                                         74   Who did you usually   Who the person typically does
                                              go with to religious   community activities with
                                              or spiritual

                                         75   Think about how    Proportion of people satisfied   Read response options.
                                              often you went to a   with frequency they take part   Should be asked even if the
                                              religious service or   in community activities   person did not go to religious
                                              spiritual practice in
                                                                                            service or spiritual practice at
                                              the past month.                               all in the past month.
                                              Would you like to go
                                                                                            This question is asking about
                                              to religious services
                                                                                            the person’s level of
                                              or spiritual practices
                                                                                            satisfaction with the amount
                                              more, less, or the
                                                                                            of time they spend in
                                              same amount as
                                                                                            community activities.
                                                                                            Also note, if a proxy is
                                                                                            assisting with the question
                                                                                            regarding frequency and
                                                                                            companions for these
                                                                                            activities, try to direct this
                                                                                            question to the person.

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