Page 381 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 381
Section II
Q# Q Indicator/Intent Suggested Rephrase and Tips Other Notes
79 Did you choose (or The proportion of people who This is not asked to individuals living in the
pick) the people you make choices about their lives, family home.
live with (Or did you including housing, roommates,
choose to live by jobs, and daily activities
yourself)? (Did
anyone ask who
you’d like to live
with? Were you
given choices? Did
you get to survey
80 Who decides your The proportion of people who
daily schedule (like make choices about their lives,
when to get up, including housing, roommates,
when to eat, when jobs, and daily activities
to go to sleep)?
81 Do you have enough The proportion of people who Do you want to make more or
choice about your are satisfied with their level of fewer choices about your daily
daily schedule? choice in their daily schedule schedule?
82 Who decides how The proportion of people who
you spend your free make choices about their lives,
time (when you are including housing, roommates,
not working, in jobs, and daily activities
school or at the day