Page 382 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 382

Section II

                                         Q#           Q                Indicator/Intent     Suggested Rephrase and Tips            Other Notes
                                         83   Do you have enough   The proportion of people who   Do you want to make more or
                                              choice about what   are satisfied with their level of  fewer choices about what to
                                              to do in your free   choice in their free time   do when you’re not working
                                              time?                                         or at your day program?

                                         84   Who chose (or      The proportion of people who   *Refer to PS-7 for place of   Only applicable to people working in a paid
                                              picked) the place   make choices about their lives,  employment         community job.
                                              where you work?    including housing, roommates,
                                              (Did you help make   jobs, and daily activities
                                              the choice?)

                                         85   Who chose (or      The proportion of people who   *Refer to PS-8 for name of   This is only applicable to people who attend
                                              picked) your day   make choices about their lives,  day program/workshop   a day program/workshop.

                                              program or         including housing, roommates,
                                              workshop?  (Did you  jobs, and daily activities
                                              help make the

                                         86   Do you choose what   The proportion of people who                       Note the middle response includes that
                                              you buy with your   make choices about their lives,                     there are spending limits (e.g., cost of an
                                              spending money? Do  including housing, roommates,                       item or weekly budget).
                                              not include things   jobs, and daily activities
                                              like rent or

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