Page 387 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 387

Section II

 Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Suggested Rephrase and Tips   Other Notes
 90   If you don’t have a   The proportion of people
 key to your home,   whose basic rights are
 do you want a key to  respected by others
 your home?

 91   (Do not ask this if   The proportion of people who   This question is assessing
 the person lives   can choose to stay home   person-centeredness of
 alone) When people   when others go out    supports, and also availability
 in your house go   of supports to allow people to
 somewhere, do you   do what they want.
 have to go too, or
 can you stay at
 home if you want

 92   Can you lock your   The proportion of people
 bedroom if you want  whose basic rights are
 to?   respected by others

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