Page 388 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 388

Section II

                                         Q#           Q                Indicator/Intent     Suggested Rephrase and Tips            Other Notes
                                         93   Have you ever      The proportion of people who   *Refer to PS-9 for names of   This question tends to be easier to
                                              participated in a self- have participated in a self-  self-advocacy organizations   understand if the surveyor uses the name of
                                              advocacy group     advocacy meeting or event                            a local self-advocacy group.
                                                                                                                      Also note, we are looking specifically for a
                                              conference, or                                                          self-advocacy group for people with IDD.
                                              event? (A self-
                                              advocacy group is
                                              where people with
                                              disabilities meet
                                              together to talk
                                              about things in their
                                              lives that are
                                              important to them.
                                              Some groups include
                                              People First,
                                              Speaking for
                                              Ourselves, and Self-
                                              Advocates Becoming
                                              Empowered – SABE.)

                                         94   Have you voted in a   The proportion of people who                      This question should be asked to all
                                              local, state or    have voted in a local, state or                      individuals. If the person replies no, follow
                                              federal election?   federal election                                    up to find out if the person ‘Had the
                                                                                                                      opportunity to register or vote but chose
                                                                                                                      not to’ (response option #3)
                                                                                                                      This includes any federal, state, or local
                                                                                                                      election in which the person has ever voted.

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