Page 393 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 393

Do you need any of these additional services? (continued)

 Transportation   Arrangements or provision of transportation for   This information may have come up earlier in the meeting when
 individual with IDD so he/she can run errands, get  asking specifically about transportation.
 to day program, work, medical appointments,
    Suggested phrasing: “Do you need/want more ways to get
 recreational activities, etc.

 Assistance finding,   This can include a number of services/supports   This information may have been discussed in the employment
 maintaining or   including a job coach, vocational training,   questions in Section I. This should be phrased in a way that reflects
 changing jobs   on-the-job training, etc.   the person’s employment status.

    If the person is not currently employed, the focus should be on
    finding a job: “Do you want help finding a job or working on skills
    to get a job?”
    If the person is employed: “Do you need help keeping your job
    (more training, transportation, etc.); Do you want help finding a
    different job or getting a new position?”

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