Page 396 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 396
Do you need any of these additional services? (continued)
Healthcare Help navigating the healthcare system. This Suggested phrasing: Are you able to see a doctor when you need
coordination includes help such as: finding a doctor who to? Does your doctor know how to help you/work best with you?
understands the person’s unique needs; when to Does your doctor talk with you about any medical conditions,
make appointments, and with whom; when to how to take medications?
take medications, etc.
Note, there is a separate option if the person
needs better/different insurance/benefits.
Dental care Help navigating the dental care system. This Suggested phrasing: Can you see a dentist for regular teeth
coordination includes help such as: finding a dentist that exams? Does your dentist know how best to work with you?
understands the person’s unique needs; when to
make appointments, and with whom; when to
take medications, etc.
Note, there is a separate option if the person
needs better/different insurance/benefits.
Assistance finding, Help with housing. This might include help finding Some information may have been discussed in the “Home” section
maintaining or a home, help to be a good tenant, or help of Section I.
changing housing changing homes, if needed.
Please note, support to stay in the current home
is included; a ‘yes’ to this question may also mean
‘yes’ for other responses. For example, a person
may need support to stay in his/her current home
and the support needed is homemaker services;
in that case both this response option and
‘residential supports’ should be coded as a yes.