Page 12 - Des Pawson "Knots The Complete Visual Guide"
P. 12
Rope Construction
The rope-making process involves fiber being spun into yarn.
The yarn is then twisted into large strands or braided, sometimes
around a core. The qualities of a rope are partly determined by
this process.
Three-strand rope
Rope with three strands is made by twisting fibers into yarns, then
twisting the yarns together into strands. Three of the strands are
then twisted into rope. At each stage the direction of the twist is
opposite to that of the stage before: this creates the friction that
holds all the strands together.
Working with
three-strand rope
Consider these positives
and negatives when deciding
if three-strand rope is right Fiber
for you:
Firm and flexible.
Strands will untwist
Easy to splice unless the ends are
(see pp.334–63). whipped (see p.14) to
keep them from fraying.
Perfect for rigging
traditional sailing Kinks easily while
vessels. being coiled.
A good choice for May have too much
decorative knotting. stretch for some tasks.