Page 7 - SIS-SR2021-SR_2021-22
P. 7
Dear Stakeholders, appropriate PPE equipment, training and to become more conscious whether it is We have created
finally the near 100% vaccination that we using vehicles compliant with the latest
We are glad to present our first ever have achieved for all our employees in emission norms or disposing of any hundreds of
sustainability report. The tumultuous record time. chemicals in our pest control division in a
last two years have given us a chance to safe manner. thousands of jobs
reflect about ourselves and our role in the We have created hundreds of thousands
society and community, beyond what our of jobs over the years touching millions Being a pioneering firm in the business over the years
financial or economic aspirations might of families and through our in-house services space, we have been fortunate
be. It has never been more important training academies we have ensured that to get private equity investors early on in touching millions of
to marry a social role with an economic our employees learn life-skills that sustain our evolution and we have learned and families and through
agenda, which together can propel them beyond their current jobs with SIS. instituted the best governance practices
our society and our industry to a more Many have gone on to set up their own through the benchmarks set by our our in-house training
coherent and sustainable future. small scale security firms while many set investors. Furthermore, going public in
up small and micro enterprises of their 2017 also opened SIS up to a larger Indian academies we have
SIS serves as a powerful vehicle to
create employment opportunities at own. SIS is glad to have nurtured the and international investor community ensured that our
the bottom of the pyramid, and this aspirations of thousands of enterprising that entails greater transparency, more
period of reflection has resulted in great individuals in this manner. Similarly in our frequent communication and more Board employees learn life-
learnings, humility, and also pride that international markets such as Australia level and committee level rigour. Through
we have been able to contribute towards and New Zealand, we have strong a heavily independent Board comprising skills that sustain
keeping the economy safe and secure. diversity programmes that create jobs for stalwarts from diverse backgrounds, we them beyond their
Additionally, our employees looked after indigenous people. are able to draw upon their expertise and
and reinforced the culture that has kept A testament to our employee welfare and wisdom to guide us. current jobs with SIS.
us thriving through the decades. social impact was the Great Place to Work We have done internal scorings of our
rankings for 2021. It named SIS as #31 in governance using benchmarks set by the
With 2,28,000+ employees and a the list of best employers in India, while stock exchange and other independent
nationwide presence, we are uniquely including us in the Top 15 Nation Builders bodies and I’m glad that we rank very
positioned to touch millions of people category. We have also been recognised highly on these scores compared to
every day through our many touchpoints for our diversity and inclusiveness by many in the listed space in India. As a I look forward to the feedback from our
– RWAs, schools, offices, hospitals, hotels, being named as the Top 50 employers next step, we will look to get an external well-wishers to engage in progressive
banks, airports, metro, railways, and so for Women in India. We will keep striving audit done of our ESG scores so that we dialogue on ways to better ourselves and
on. Each of these interactions over the to improve on these and create more are able to accurately identify focus and be an even more meaningful part of the
last two years, with its own attendant inclusive work environments for all improvement areas. India growth story.
risks, have enabled our customer service classes and genders.
to come to the fore and help industries This sustainability report is an honest Regards
and our customers take cautious steps By its very nature, as it is a services firm, endeavour to review our contributions
back to normalcy. Through this journey SIS is an environmentally low-impact to the larger community and we will take Rituraj Kishore Sinha
we have ensured that our employees company that has negligible emissions. any gaps in this progress card as key Group Managing Director
are first taken care of, and their However, within this limited scale, we are areas to plug, as we look forward to the
safety requirements are met through continuously pushing our business units post-pandemic environment.