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SIS Limited  |  Sustainability Report 2020-21

          Our commitment

          Alignment with

          Sustainable Development

          Goals (SDGs)

          We are contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are providing reference to
          the specific SDGs where we create value.

                      •  SIS is basically creating employment             •  SIS is running mess facilities at                •  SIS initiated HUMARE HEROES COVID
                         for people who are at the bottom                   common residential facilities for its               WELFARE FUND with corpus of INR
                         of the pyramid. Many of our                        workforce and training academies                    10 Cr to provide medical and other
                         employees, were land less labour from            •  Our training academies have reported               related assistance to COVID infected
                         underprivileged section of our society                                                                 employee
                                                                            an avg increase of 3-5 kg weight per
                      •  Creating jobs in the rural parts of the            personnel, even after rigorous training.          •  SIS has vaccinated almost 100% of
                         country, which lacks industrialisation             This is attributed to the nutritional diet          the workforce (more than 2.4 lakh
                                                                            provided at the facilities                          employees) with double dose, under
                                                                                                                                Humare Heroes Vaccination Drive

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