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    Braulio González                                                                                                                DICIEMBRE 2020   Edición 83

                                                                                                                         The Talent Night

                                                                                                              THE TALENT
    FOREVER BRAULISTAS                                            THE ROAD THAT

    After so many years striving and     Goodbye                  LEADS TO PEACE
    striving to get a degree, we can say   Many of us do not like                                                      NIGHT
    that we are finally seeing the results   goodbyes And more if it is   This beautiful and biodiverse country, our
    of our efforts, our school Braulio   about leaving the place where   land of Colón has been hurt for more than
    González has become that Ally and   they saw us grow up, but each   fifty years, its people have gone through
    that place where we can share,   beginning has an end and ours   many difficult situations because of the war
    laugh and enjoy with the  rest.  With   is yet to come, we sincerely   and even today they cry like a river runs   By. Nicol Acero
    all certainty we can say that it has   appreciate all your support and   towards the sea, however a few years ago
    become our second home, a home   understanding, thanks to you   the parts made a pact for peace and   “It is a night where we can all bring out all our
    in which we have found wonderful   teachers we have reached the   reconciliation, we reached agreements
    people to live with. In this place we   top and we culminated this   where everyone is supposed to have good   artistic and cultural abilities”
    have met people who have left a   stage of our life with our best   participation and reconstruction, but we
    mark on our hearts and friends who   smile, perhaps this last year   live in a big country where it is difficult to
    will live forever.Here we laugh, we   was not what we dreamed of,   help the whole crowd, our needs are more
    cry but above all we love, we love all   but the learning obtained was   than our opportunities and the majority of
    those friends who became         better tan expected. Now we   the victims are still waiting for the
    accomplices and those teachers who   are ready and willing to open   government's hand, however, some non-
    were always helping us. Thanks to   our wings to start flying and   governmental organizations (NGOs) build
    our family for their support, but   reach the highest immensity.    bridges to heal and forgive our past. In
    above all thanks to our school for                            front of us there is a huge path to enter and
    allowing us to live the best stories of   By: Laura Alejandra   it will take us to a higher level where we can
    our youth, stories that we will   Maldonado Gaitán 11D        live as brothers, that peak is only available
    surely tell our children.  We can                             at the moment we understand that we are
    proudly say that we graduated from                            equal and have the same rights, in the end,
    the best school in the world and                              we are human beings and We may not be
    that we are proudly braulistas.                               able to bear all the trouble on our back, but
                                                                  there is something we can do and that is to
    Thanks to the institution but above                           love each other so as not to repeat history.
    all thanks to all those people who
    despite being difficult children to                           By Selene Niño Pan, 10th A.
    work for were always fighting for
    the future of each one of us. Today
    and always we can stand up with                      Little prints in my heart
    honor and say that we were a
    promotion that in difficult times, we   BY: Maryory Rodríguez 11
    knew how to fight and fulfill each of
    our goals to have a large cardboard
    that will be the proof of all those   Today when I realize that there   ,all the anecdotes that we have passed as a
    valuable and hard moments in our   are only a few months left to   group fill me with more joy and these will
    lives.                           fulfill the dream of all of us,   always be kept as a great treasure, because
                                     there is nothing more than to   it is more than clear that we will never   In my experience   it has also allowed me to share more with
    Thanks to this loved temple of   emphasize the things and     again live such an experience. Nice as this   it is a night of   my colleagues and learn more from
    knowledge.  Written by:          beautiful moments that you, as   path of college is. And finally, in the most   many mixed   them, even if we have differences and
    Maryoris Daniela Imbreth         my colleagues, have given me   sincere way, I hope that life rewards us all   feelings, it has
    Suárez 11  E                     for a few years since I arrived   and that it gives us the opportunity to fulfill   helped me to lose   small discussions while we have
                                                                                                                           rehearsals this has managed to unite us
                                     at this great institution.   and achieve each of our proposed goals,   the fear of the
                                     Despite the small conflicts and   that we make every decision for our life   stage which is   more and know a little more about each
                                                                                                                           other. I think it is incredible to see the
                                     different ideas of each one,   with great wisdom and thus go on the right   something that   effort and the way in which the students
                                                                  path.                                 many of us
                                                                                                        struggle with, it   unite to represent their grade, knowing
                                                                                                        has allowed me to   that with this we are also paying homage
                                                                                                        show certain       to our school is something very beautiful
                                                                                                        talents and do one
                "Educating the mind without educating the heart is not education at all." Aristoteles   of the things I like

    PUZZLE: Find out the phrasal verbs.  By: Laura Angélica Cepeda 11 D                 HOW TO CHOOSE A CAREER             Everyone has their time, give yourself
                                                                                                                           space to choose calmly.
    Get up                     take off         Stay away               eat out         The time to choose a career is a time of   2. Know yourself: Knowing what you
                                                                                        great uncertainty, parents, teachers,
    End up                     turn out        Come out                 work out            friends and family ask what are you   like to do, what your interests are, what
    Go away                  look out          Keep away              check in          going to study? And that question feels   subjects are easiest and most difficult for
                                                                                                                           you are important to choose something
    Come back             put off              Go on                       set off      like an interrogation that puts you   that you enjoy doing and that allows you
                                                                                        between a rock and a hard place.
    Get in                      drive off           sit down                            Choosing your career shouldn’t be an   to unfold your potential.
                                                                                        impulsive decision to avoid the pressure   3. Be realistic: Take into account if to
                                                                                        of someone else's question and the   start studying you would have to travel,
                                                                                        uncertainty it causes.
                                                                                                                           how much travel time would you have to
                                                                                        Choosing a career can be much more   the place of study and how many hours
                                                                                        than deciding what to study, you must   per day you can dedicate to study. As you
                                                                                        have a deep understanding of your   reflect, consider whether you will be
                                                                                        personality, your tastes, your interests,   working while you study and what are the
                                                                                        your environment and your reality, it’s   occupations and professions of your
                                                                                        choosing a life project related to you.   family and your environment.
                                                                                        For that it’s necessary to know yourself,
                                                                                        discover who you are and what you like.   4. Investigate the offer of courses
                                                                                        It isn’t enough to search for information   and careers: Traditional careers are the
                                                                                        about careers or take a test that tells you   known. However, there are so many more
                                                                                        what to study. Your decision will be the   college degrees that may surprise you.
                                                                                        end of a personal process and a choice   Search the internet, visit universities, ask
                                                                                        based on the security of knowing you   them for information about the careers
                                                                                        and the careers that exist.        that interest you. In this way you will
                                                                                                                           choose based on the security offered by
                                                                                        Some strategies to think about who you   knowing in depth the current options and
                                                                                        want to be and how you want to grow   the career you like.
                                                                                                                           5. Talk to a professional: Talk to a
                                                                                        1. Take it easy: if you don't know what   graduate of the careers that interest you
                                                                                        your vocation is, if you like many   to learn about their experience and the
                                                                                        different things or if all your friends   field of work of each. With your
                                                                                        have already decided what they are   testimony you can project what your
                                                                                        going to study and you keep thinking   professional future would be like and
                                                                                        about what you want to do, don't worry.    evaluate if it is something you like.
                                                                                                                           Por: Sujam Herrera 11c

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