Page 8 - 1980 Plymouth Rotary Annual Report
P. 8


                      The Rotary Anns has  had  some very innovative programs this year.
                      The 1979-80 theme has  been  "Beauty, Wealth,  Health and  Happiness" and all  programs
                 aimed at the theme were planned by Bev Hoisington.

                      The  initial  program  in  September  was  a  brunch  prepared  by the  board at Woodbrook
                 Clubhouse.  In  November  a  spectacular  fashion  show was planned  by Nick Aron of Nawrot
                 Pendleton  Sportswear and  by Geneva Salyer from Geneva's Bridal Salon and  involving many
                 other  Plymouth  businesses  and  people.  The  models  for  the  show,  held  in  the  Plymouth
                 Hilton Inn, included many Rotary Anns and their daughters.

                      February's  program  featured Tom  Kelly  from  Merrill  Lynch  Pierce  Fenner and Smith
                 speaking  on  "Women  Investing  in  the Stock  Market".  This talk was followed up with four
                 additional sessions at Merrill Lynch by Mr.  Kelly.  Diane Farber of Plymouth Family Services
                 presented  an  enlightening  talk on alcoholism  in March and the last  program  in May featured
                 Denny Campbell and  Woody Lynch with a video-tape presentation.

                      The  board  of directors for this year  were:  Jan Carney,  president; Bev Hoisington, vice-
                 president; Marlene Somers, secretary; Lois Taylor, treasurer; Sharon Armbruster, social  chair;
                 Joan  Ford,  membership;  Lorraine  Jarvis,  Sunshine  chair;  Anna  Van  Hull,  pie  sale;  Judy
                 Morgan,  good  works  chair;  Rita  Feldkamp,  Susan  Schrader  and  Bev  Corp as  members-at-
                 large.  Ginny  Morrison  helped  with  the  newsletter  and  Gail  La Riche  served  as  immediate
                 past  president.

                      Another  special  feature  this  year  was  Bev  Hoisington's arrangement to have Dr. Helen
                 Tanner  speak  to  the  Rotary  Club  on  November  9,  1979.  Word was  received  in March that
                 Dr.  Tanner  has  been  recognized  for her work with American  Indians by Carl  Pursell  and  has
                 been  written up in the Congressional  Record.

                      The  receipts  from  the  Rotary Ann Pie Sale were distributed by Judy Morgan and Sally
                 Peterson  as  follows:  Plymouth  Symphony,  $100;  Growth  Works,  $100;  Plymouth  Youth
                 Symphony,  $100;  Plymouth  Community  Council  on  Aging,  $100;  Salvation  Army,  $150;
                 Our Lady of Providence, $200; and, WISER, $50.  The four tickets the Rotary Anns received
                 from  the  Plymouth  Symphony  were  donated  to  the  residents  of Tonquish  Creek  Manor.

                      The  final  project  for  the  year  was  the  annual  picnic  planned  for  all  Rotarians  and
                 Rotary Anns at 3:00 p.m. June 14 at the home of Gail and  Lou  LaRiche.

                      It has  been a pleasure serving you this year,

                                                                                     JAN CARNEY
                                                                                     Rotary Anns

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