Page 10 - C:\Users\17346\Desktop\1983 Plymouth Police\
P. 10

Stay at

                                                                   We have no pool •••
                                                                                               the Mayflower
                 WORKING WITH THE POLICE is  part of               but we have great food!   May  ower
               the  job  of  The  Community  Crier  -  The        Bed & Breakfast
               Newspaper  with  Its  Heart  in  The  Plymouth-                              Hotel
               Canton  Community.  Take  for  example  our
                                                                                           Centrally located near the junction
               help  in  surveillance  of  this  alcoholic  purse-                         of M-14 & 1-275 in colonial Plymouth.
               snatcher  who  was  brought  to  justice  by
               cooperation of the police and The Crier.
                                                                                Operated by the  Loren: Family since 1937.
                                                                        827 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Plymouth, Michigan 48170, (313) 453-1620
                  The Community Crier

               453-6900      JUST KIDDING, HANK

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                                                                                for Home and  Business

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                    On the Park in Downtown Plymouth

                                                                      On the park in downtown Plymouth  •  453-2202


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