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Frank J.  Wren

                                                                   Authorized Dealer

                                   Selling and Servicing Quality Tools

                           to the Professional Mechanics & Businesses
                                       of Plymouth for fifteen years.

                                                     Thank You

                 Work                                                                                  Home
                 476-7300                                                                         474-0888

                                                                    Compliments of:
            THE  ROADSIDE

                                                                               American Legion

                                                                          Passage - Gayde Post 391
                                                                             Plymouth, Michigan

                      SPRING BEDDING PLANTS                           Commander: Roger Cloutier  455-9333

                Fresh High  Quality Fruits and Vegetables
                Rushed From Field to Your Kitchen Daily
                                                                  Little Book center

                     FRESH CUT CHRISTMAS TREES                                  1456 Sheldon  Road
                            DECEMBER 1st                                            453-3300

                                                                                Monday - Saturday
                                                                                 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
                                                                                       ft  L  b
                                                                                                     8  30 t  3
          43125 Joy Road - one block east of Main Street       8  30  a.m.  o  :   p.m., a  er  a  or  ay  :   o  p.m.
                                                                         to 1 00
          Plymouth, Michigan                         455-4111
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