Page 9 - 1991 Plymouth Rotary Annual Report
P. 9

Bill  Ferman  was  born  in  Detroit  in  192 8.  He  attended  Northwestern
            High School  and  got his  Varsity letter  as a  member  of the swim  team
            which won  the city  championship three  years in a  row.
            Bill  did his  undergraduate  work  at Hillsdale  College  where he  met  the
            love  of  his  life,  Ora  Lee  Ebersole.  His  graduate  work  was  done  in
            Chicago  at  Northern  Illinois  College  of  Optometry.  He  graduated  in
            1951  and  then  married  his  college  sweetheart.   He  served  as
            Captain in  the USAF Reserve as an  Optometrist.
            Almost  4 o years  ago,  Bill  opened  his  practice  in  Detroit - -moving  it
            to  Plymouth  in  the  7 O's.  It is  a  family  optometric  practice with  older
            son Greg also an optometr ist.  Young  son Ted is a  dispensing optician
            and  daughter  Sue,  when not  teaching,  is  at  the  computer.  Lee  is  his
            right hand gal.
            Bill  was  active  in  the  Boy  Scouts  as  a  leader  for  seven  years.  His
            son  Ted  attained Life  Scout  and Greg  attained Eagle  Scout.  Bill  was
            made  an  honorary  Girl  Scout,  selling  cookies  with  his  daughter,  Sue,
            in  the  local  super markets.  Now that  the  children have  grown  up,  Bill
            enjoys spending  time  with his five grandchildren.
            Bill  was  an  officer  in  the  Berkley Masonic  Lodge  for  11  years,  being
            Worshipful Master in  196 8.  He served as  3rd degree captain for  the
            next  1 0  years  and  for  2 2  years  has  participated  in  the  installation
            of officers.  He  is  also a  member  or  the Scottish Rite  and  Shrine.  As
            a  member  of  the  Elks,  he  has  enjoyed  working  as  a  bus  boy  and
            cook  for dinners and  fish fries .
            .  Optometry  is  Bill's  first  love  (after  Lee).  He  is  a  past  president  of
            the  Wayne  County  Society  of  Optometrists,  Metropolitan  Detroit
            Op t ometric  Society  and  Michigan  Optometric  Association.  Bill  has
            been  honored by his peers  in  optometry  with  a  Key  Man  award  from
            the State Association.
            When Bill  joined  Rotary, he  became  a  member  of  the  Youth  Exchange
            Committee  and  has  served  on  it  f or  9  years,  4  years  as  Chairman.
            Last  summer  Bill  and  Lee  traveled  to  the  west  coast  and  back  as
             chaperones  for  1 3 5  foreign  exchange  students.   Here  he  truly
             learned  the  meaning  of  "Service  above  Self".   Serving  on  the
             Bar -B -Que  Committee  for  6  years, Bill  is  the  current chairman.  This
             will be  the  8th year Bill has served on  the Plymouth Hospitality Room
             Committee  at  District  Conference,  and  the  third  year  he  has  been
             chairman.  Both Bill  and Lee are Paul Harris Fellows.

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