Page 5 - 1983 Plymouth Rotary Annual Report
P. 5
The Plymouth Rotary Foundation, Inc. is a corporation formed by the
Plymouth Rotary Club to "receive and administer funds for scientific,
education and charitable purposes, all for public welfare." Each
member in good standing of the Rotary Club of Plymouth is a member
of this Corporation and rs entitled to vote for the Boar.d of Directors.
The Officers and Directors for fiscal year 1 9 8 2 - 198 3 are as
Tom Workman ........................................................... President
Dr. Cliff McClumpha .................................... Vice-President
Erick Carne ............................................................... Secretary
Donald Skinner ......................................................... Treasurer
Nicholas Aron .................................... Student Loan Officer
Arnoldt Williams ........................................................... Director
Kallid Jabara ................................................................. Director
Edwin Schrader ........................................................... Director
William Morrison, Ill ..................................................... Director
Dale Knab ....................................................................... Director
In recent years the Rotary Foundation has received substantial gifts
from estates of Rotarians. This year the Board of Directors of the
Rotary Foundation has established the "Rotary Reserve Account" to
be funded by monies collected by and donated to the corporation.
The purpose of the Account is to provide an orderly and timely
income to the Corporation for its disbursement for the community
good. The principal could be used if deemed appropriate with a 4/ 5
vote of the Board of Directors. The income from the account
together with the barbecue and ot her income provides approximately
$25,000 per year for Foundation Grants. In honor of the largest
contributors two $1500 vocational scholarships have been awarded:
The Arthur Haar Memorial Scholarship
The Walter Panse Memorial Scholarship
It is sincere wish of this Board that the Rotary Reserve Account
continue forever to benefit the community in the name of these fine
Rotarians and others who support the Plymouth Rotary Foundation.