Page 8 - 1982 Plymouth Rotary Annual Report
P. 8



                        This  year  has  been  an  active  and  interesting  one  for  wives  and  widows  of Plymouth
                    Rotarians.  Our  dues  paying  members  numbered  sixty-three.  Members  were  invited  to
                    attend functions by way of the newsletter entitled the "Rotary Ann  Reminder".

                        Ester  Hulsing's  lovely  home  was  the  site  of  our  September Brunch  where we  learned
                    that  the  Pl E  SALE  profits  totaled  $900.00.  The  Charitable  Works  Committee,  led  by
                    Anna Van  Hull recommended disbursement of these  funds as  follows:
                           Plymouth Hist orical Museum                                    $125.00
                           Salvation Army                                                 $225.00
                           Plymouth Council On  Ag ing                                    $100.00
                           Growth Works                                                   $150.00
                           Fish                                                           $150.00
                           Plymouth Opportunity House                                     $150.00

                    The funds we re distributed du ring December before the holiday.

                        Our  activities  t his year  included  a craft  project  and  box  lunch  exchange,  Crazy  Bridge
                    Game,  a presentat ion  on  comm unity security,  a tour of Plymouth  Historical  Museum,  and
                    the Picnic at Past  President, Gail  LaRiche's home.

                        Ellie  Graham's column  in  the  Plymouth  Observer  featured  an  accou nt  of a highlight in
                    the  Rotary  An n  Year.  This was t he "extra event"  which  Carol  Vos  planned  at  Greenfield
                    Village.  Seventy-six  Roary  Ann's  led  their  Rotarian  husbands  aboard  the  PLY MOUTH
                    Double-decker  Bus.  They  sang  ca rols  and  enjoyed  the challenge  of a " t oo  tall  bus  for the
                    too  low  gates  and  underpasses" .  Sights  and  smells  of Christmas  were in  the air as  partici-
                    pants  enjoyed  a Yu let ide  Dinner  and  toured  some  Village  homes  wh ich  were  all  ready  for
                    the 1981  Christmas Holiday.

                        Board  of  Directors  for  the year  included  Officers:  President,  Lois  Tay lor - Vi ce  Presi-
                    dent,  Rita  Feldkamp  -  Secretary,  Jean  Kee  -  Treasurer,  Mary  Jo  Workman  -  Past
                    President,  Jan  Carney  - Committee  Chairman :  Program,  Mary Jane  Robinson  - Member-
                    ship,  Carol  Vos  - Social, Jeanet A llison and Theresa Covington - Pie Sale  1981, Joan  Ford,
                    1982,  Elaine  Kirchgatter  -  Charitable  Works,  Anna  Van  Hull  -  Rotary  A nn  Reminder,
                    Ginny Morrison - Picnic, Joan  Ford - Sunshine,  Lorraine Jarvis.

                        We  are  looking  forward  to  an  interesting  1982-83  year  and  invite  all  Rotary  Anns  to
                    participate in our activites.

                                                                      Lois Tay lor
                                                                      Rotary An n President

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