Page 5 - 1995 Plymouth Rotary Annual Report
P. 5

The Plymouth Rotary Foundation

             The Plymouth Rotary Foundation, Inc. is a corporation formed
             by the Plymouth Rotary Club  to "receive and administer funds
             for scientific, education, and charitable purposes, all for public
             welfare."  Each member in good standing of the Rotary Club of
             Plymouth is a member of this Corporation and is entitled to vote
             for the Board of Directors.

             The Officers  and Directors for  fiscal  year  1994  - 1995  are as
                     Paul Sincock                     President
                     Thomas Adams                Vice-President
                      Nancy Baldwin                   Secretary
                     James Cantrell                  Treasurer

                     Richard Kirchgatter ..            Director
                     Jerry Ostoin        .. . . .. . . .   Director
                     Bob Petersen      . . . . .... .. . .   Director
                     Peter Stone                       Director
                      Richard Taylor                   Director
                      Coy Tucker                       Director

             Over the years the Rotary Foundation has received substantial
             gifts  from  Rotarians  and  from  estates  of Rotarians.  These
             monies  are  placed  in  a  special  reserve  account  to  fund  our
             scholarship programs.  This year's scholarships are given in the
             names of the following Rotarians:

                                   Walter Pause
                                    Arthur Haar
                                 Frank Henderson
                                    Joseph Tate
                                   James Taylor

             The  Foundation  has  a  permanent  address  to  allow  anyone
             needing help or information to  reach the Foundation:

                           The  Plymouth Rotary Foundation
                                   P.O.  Box 5401
                              Plymouth, Michigan 48170
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