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Cashew is Healthy for the Entire Family
Cashews: Nutrition,
Health Benefits and Diet
• A 1-ounce serving of cashews is about 18 whole metabolism of protein, fat, and carbohydrates at the
cashews. cellular level.
• Every ounce (about 18 cashews) packs a solid 5 • Due to their high fibre content, cashew nuts help in
grams of protein, per USDA data. That’s nearly 11 improved digestion by reducing constipation and
percent of women’s protein needs and 9 percent for improving regular bowel movements.
men. • Prebiotics, present in cashews, are a class of fibre
• Cashews are abundant in healthy fats, such as mono- that aids in the development of good gut flora.
unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. They are a rich • Cashews have recently been used to make dairy
source of protein too. alternatives, such as cashew milk, cashew-based
• Additionally, they are a good source of vitamins and cheese and cashew-based cream sauces and sour
minerals like Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, Magnesium, cream.
Manganese, Phosphorus and Zinc. • Cashew butter is another way to add cashews to
• Cashews are a good source of magnesium, which your diet. Spread it on toast or stir it into yogurt or
plays an important role in over 300 enzymatic reac- oatmeal.
tions within the body. • The research findings concluded that eating nuts
• Cashews are one of the few food sources that are does not lead to a weight gain, and that it may help
high in copper. One ounce of cashews contains 622 maintain a healthy weight.
micrograms of copper. For adults aged 19 years and • According to a study in the American Journal of
over, the recommended intake for copper each day Clinical Nutrition, frequent nut consumption is as-
is 900 micrograms. sociated with a reduced risk of needing surgery to
• Copper also plays an important role in the mainte- remove the gallbladder.
nance of collagen and elastin, major structural com- • Cashew nuts are also a strong source of antioxidants
ponents of our bodies. Without sufficient copper, the and help in lowering inflammation and enhancing
body cannot replace damaged connective tissue or cardiovascular health.
the collagen that makes up the scaffolding for bone. • Cashew nuts have a low glycemic index that helps to
• Eating cashew is good for health because Vitamin prevent spikes in blood sugar levels. While the high
K in cashews help maintain your bone density and fibre content in kaju benefits in slowing down the
reduce the risk of osteoporosis. absorption of sugar in the bloodstream, healthy fats
• Zinc, copper, and vitamin E are just a few of the improve insulin sensitivity.
minerals present in cashews that maintain a strong • Cashew nuts can also lower the risk of chronic
immune system. diseases like sore teeth, ringworm, scurvy, leprosy,
• Immune cells require the minerals zinc and copper to warts, and elephantiasis.
grow and function. • Cashews are also a great plant source of amino
• Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant, can shield cells from acid tryptophan, which is essential for creating and
harm and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. boosting levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin
• Cashews are also good in many essential vitamins (important for stabilizing mood, promoting feelings
such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine of happiness, regulating sleep, aiding digestion, and
(vitamin B-6), riboflavin, and thiamin (vitamin B-1). many more functions).
100 g nuts provide 0.147 mg or 32% of the daily rec-
ommended levels of pyridoxine. Pyridoxine reduces
the risk of homocystinuria and sideroblastic anemia. Courtesy:;;
Niacin helps prevent "pellagra" or dermatitis.;;
• Additionally, these vitamins are essential for the
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