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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 12 | December 2024
B ullion W orld | V olume 4 | I ssue 12 | D ec ember 2024
Choksi Heraeus Achieves
Prestigious LBMA Good
Delivery Status for Silver
Choksi Heraeus Pvt. Ltd. (CHPL), Today, CHPL operates a state-of- those related to production
a prominent silver refinery based the-art integrated facility, which capacity, financial stability,
in Udaipur, Rajasthan, has earned includes advanced electrochemical ownership structure, and historical
a place on the London Bullion and chemical refining capabilities. performance.
Market Association (LBMA) Good The facility is designed to efficiently
Delivery List for silver, effective from process large volumes of silver, The LBMA Good Delivery List
November 14th. This achievement allowing the company to meet the is an internationally recognized
marks a significant milestone for the growing demands of the precious benchmark for assessing the
refinery, solidifying its position in the metals market while maintaining quality and integrity of precious
global precious metals market. the highest standards of quality and metal refiners. It serves as a seal
purity. of approval for those who meet the
In 1994, Choksi Heraeus Pvt. highest industry standards. With this
Ltd. (CHPL) formed a strategic To attain this prestigious recognition, latest addition, the list now includes
partnership with Heraeus, a CHPL underwent a comprehensive 65 refiners for gold and 81 for silver,
renowned global technology group evaluation process. Independent further underscoring CHPL’s elevated
based in Hanau, Germany. This joint referees rigorously tested and status within the global precious
venture provided CHPL with access assayed the refinery’s silver bars, metals industry.
to cutting-edge technologies in the while also scrutinizing the company’s
refining of precious metals, further in-house assaying capabilities.
strengthening its position in the CHPL successfully met the LBMA’s
industry. demanding standards, including