Page 22 - Bullion World Volume 04 issue 12 December 2024_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 12 | December 2024
           B ullion  W orld |  V olume 4 | I ssue 12 | D ec ember  2024

           ICGLR Regional

           Forum Sparks

           Momentum for

           Mineral Value

           Addition in Great

           Lakes Region

           The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region   Executive Secretary, Ambassador João Samuel Caholo,
           (ICGLR) held a Regional Forum from 6-8 November    emphasized that “value addition offers the potential
           2024, on mineral value addition in Juba, Republic of   for economic growth and fosters stability in a region
           South Sudan, marking a key milestone in unlocking the   historically affected by conflict over mineral resources”.
           economic potential of the region’s mineral wealth. As an
           area rich in resources, the Great Lakes Region focuses   Building Local Capacity and Industry Value
           on strategies to increase domestic beneficiation and   One of the forum's highlights was a panel discussing
           transform its mineral sector, shifting from raw exports to   strategies to strengthen local capacity in refining and
           value-added processing.                            processing minerals. The ICGLR actively promotes
                                                              skills development and technology transfer to support
           Held in partnership with the Republic of South Sudan   value addition, particularly in the artisanal and small-
           and other stakeholders, the forum brought together   scale mining (ASM) sector. Empowering local talent and
           industry experts, and private sector players to discuss   creating value-added industries within ICGLR Member
           a shared vision for building a more resilient and   States can improve job opportunities and economic
           profitable mineral industry. In his remarks, the ICGLR   diversification.

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