Page 11 - Football Victoria Empowering Lives through Football Initiative
P. 11

Three Phase


                                                                                                 Phase 1

                                                                                                 A minimum eight-session, one-to-one and group,
                                                                                                 trust building program, delivered primarily online,
                                                                                                 that focuses on self-exploration, self-improvement,
                                                                                                 and empowerment.

                                                                                                 Phase 2

                                                                                                 A multi-session program that has participants
                                                                                                 practically applying, in a football context,
                                                                                                 mindsets, skills and behaviours learnt in phase one.

                                                                                                 This phase will have successful participants
                                                                                                 running and managing a public football event,
                                                                                                 earning accreditation for their work, and potentially
                                                                                                 graduating to Football Victoria’s Club Crime
                                                                                                 Prevention program later in the year

                                                                                                 Phase 3

                                                                                                 Club engagement: player, coach, referee, adminis-
                                                                                                 trator, volunteer etc.
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