Page 13 - Football Victoria Empowering Lives through Football Initiative
P. 13

Build Capability            Undertake a

 and Capacity                potential-fulfilling


                             Paramount to the success of each individual’s
                             involvement in the program is their willingness to
                             participate, and commit to undertaking a powerful,
                             personal, and potential-fulfilling journey.

                             Integral to their commitment will be, the
                             development of individual participant plans, in
                             collaboration with program staff, where each
                             participant will be asked to identify the personal
                             and social outcomes they wish to achieve by the
                             end of the program.

                             These outcomes will be aligned with key themes
                             that are at the core of the program such as, health
                             and fitness, personal wellbeing, cultural identity,
                             leadership and confidence, and pathways to edu-
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