Page 21 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 21
English Year 10
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
Pre-test and Getting knowledge ready The authors purpose Questioning stereo-types Personal Writing
Learning intentions: Learning intentions: Learning intentions: Learning intentions:
To recognise the elements of a biography and to To understand the meaning of ‘author’s purpose’ and recognise To question the representation of stereo-types of people/ To be able to refect on our experiences and analyse our
provide a personal interpretation of a biographical text it within biographical texts. events. feelings.
with evidence.
Key Vocabulary: Key Vocabulary: Key Vocabulary: Key Vocabulary:
Autobiography, Biography, Evidence, Informative, Bias Author’s purpose Stereotypes, Represent Personal writing, recount, feelings
Starter Starter Starter Starter
Provide a pre-test to the students based on autobiogra- Prior Knowledge activity, write down on the board what the stu- • What are stereo-types? Prior Knowledge activity, why do people write about their
phies and biographies. dents learnt from last lesson. • How are they formed? experiences? Brainstorm student’s ideas on the board.
• Who infuences the development of stereo-types?
Warm-up activity: Warm-up activity: Warm up activity
• Brainstorm difference between • Choosing someone you admire – quick writing challenge. Warm-up activity: • Discuss the difference between personal writing and
• autobiography & biography. Provide as much information as you can on this person • personal recounts.
• Name a few autobiographies with the using elements of a biography. • • Students are to write a personal recount on an experi-
• students so they get the idea behind the topic. • Class discussion • ence in school or sporting event. (5minutues)
• One min writing challenge – write a quick speech • Question: what is the purpose of the information you have Think/pair/share • Reading activity about personal writing and web logs.
about your friend as if it were their 21st or wed- provided? Why have you chosen to write what you did? • Identify stereo-types that you have heard of (English Workbook 4 as reference).
ding/special event. • Get students to look at ‘author’s purpose’ Choosing 1: • Discuss with the class the use of web blogs.
• Students are to read out their speeches in front of • What do they think it means? • Why do you think it was formed?
the class. • What it actually means… • What infuences the continuation of the stereo-type? Main activity
• Can it be changed? How? Analysing personal recounts (Taken by a croc) and answer
Main activity Main activity questions 1-6.
• As a class read Andre Agassi’s autobiography & 1. Try re-writing your bio choosing a specifc purpose from the Main activity
biography (shared drive). list provided…\ Lance Armstrong Students are to complete the following questions:
• Develop an interpretation of the text and provide 2. Looking at Andre Agassi’s biography, what do you think • Who is he? 1. Name two experiences from your past that you consid-
evidence (teacher to model). of the author’s purpose… with evidence (teacher to model • What were his achievements? er life changing.
• Discuss key issues and ideas. before getting students to attempt the task). • What is the controversy surrounding him? 2. What kind of a child were you and what was life back
• How is this affecting his reputation? then. Write 50-100 words describing yourself and
Homework • Looking at his achievements – what judgements what life was for you when you were a child.
Prepare to write about a person you admire. Research could you make about Lance Armstrong?
their background. For example when and where were
they born, their
achievements, etc. How is he represented?
• Now watch:
• (1 hr long) but frst 3 minutes he admits to all the
drug taking…
After watching the you-tube clip,
• What representations could you make about
• Lance Armstrong?
• How do you think he will be represented in years to
• Oprah’s interview: what’s her purpose in the inter-
• What audience is she targeting?
Table of Contents