Page 34 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 34

            Unit: racism in sport

            Week 2

 Session 5: Racism in sport   Session 6:  Racism in sport   Session 7: Racism in sport   Session 8: Racism in sport

 (The Bystanders and Perpetrators)   (Is there a problem in European football?)  (PFA Stance)  (The player’s view)

 Learning intentions:  Learning intentions:  Learning intentions:  Learning intentions:
 The purpose of this activity is to introduce the concept   To examine Prejudice and the European Championships. Stu-  To examine the stance of the PFA with the issue of racism   To analyse and discuss the views of the players (Mel-
 of perpetrators, targets, bystanders and upstanders,   dents will identify and analyse, Anti-Semitism in football, The   in soccer.  bourne Heart player(s) on the issue of racism in sport.
 and to reinforce the ideas that everybody has a role   concern of the European Championships (the Euros) in Eastern
 to play in oppressive situations, and that role can be   Europe in 2012 as example and Extensive examples of recent
 positive or negative, active or passive.  and growing anti-Semitism.

 Key Vocabulary:   Key Vocabulary:   Key Vocabulary:       Key Vocabulary:
 Perpetrators, targets, bystanders, passive.  Anti-Semitism, prejudice  Racism, stance  N/A

 Focus Question:  Focus Question:  Focus Question:         Focus Question:
 What are the roles of perpetrators and bystanders?   Is there a problem in European football?   What is the stance of the PFA and how do they deal with   What is the players point of view on the issue of racism?
     the problem when it occurs to soccer players?
 Starter   Starter                                         Starter
 What is a bystander and a perpetrator? Discuss.  What does the term Anti-Semitism mean? Discuss.  Main activity  Why do players receive racial abuse from other sportsman
     •  Excursion to the PFA or A-league club
 Main activity  Main activity  •  Provide a question sheet for students to complete   Main activity
 •  Discuss key terms and issues about racism and   •  Analyse the governing body of UEFA and their task of ensur-  while at the PFA.  •  Player visit from A-League club so the students can
 the Read out 10 incidents that happened in school.   ing that everybody is respected very seriously.   interview them on their views and thoughts about
 First read them all out, Taking turns to read around   •  •  Activity- Research and report on prejudice in European   racism.
 the group.  football. There is a three page report (reference kick it out   •  students can use medai technology to capture their
 •  Then choose three you would like to discuss. De-  program) students are to read the report and discuss with   information
 cide what action the perpetrators, targets,   their peers about their views on the issues.
 •  Bystanders and perpetrators would take.  •  Teacher then leads the discussion on the question ‘Is there a
 •  Discuss amongst the students their views.   problem in European football’.

 Students are to prepare positive action plans for dealing with

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