Page 39 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 39

            maths Year 10

                            Session 1:                                               Session 2:                                                Session 3:                                             Session 4:

                             Pre Test                                         Assignment (Phase 1)                                      Assignment (Phase 2)                                 Identifying Relationships

                                                                                                                                                                                                between Variables.
          Learning intentions:                                 Learning intentions:                                         Learning intentions:                                  Learning intentions:
          Establish what you already know about the            To arrive at an approach for discovering the relationship between   To grasp a structure for the measurement assignment   To be able to identify relationships between variables
          ‘Measurement’ topic. Provide a reference point for de-  the size of a sphere and it’s radius.                     format.
          gree of improvement between pre and post topic

          Key Vocabulary:                                      Key Vocabulary:                                              Key Vocabulary:                                       Key Vocabulary:
          Covered throughout                                   N/A                                                          Extrapolate, linear relationship, exponential curve.    Exponential relationships, variables, Exponential relation-
                                                                                                                                                                                  ships, radius, circumference, surface area, volume.
          Focus Question:                                      Focus Question:                                              Focus Question:                                       Focus Question:
          What do you already know about Measurement?          When the radius of a sphere is altered, what happens to the size   What is an effective way to structure and present my   How can I measure the radii of each ball?
                                                               of the shape?                                                fndings on my measurement investigation?
          Warm up activities                                                                                                                                                      Warm up activities
          •  Numeracy games (Greedy Pig, Buzz)                 Warm up activities                                           Warm up activities                                    Numeracy games (Greedy Pig, Buzz)
          •  Mental strategies (“Numeracy Challenge)           Mental strategies (“Numeracy Challenge)                      Numeracy games (Greedy Pig, Buzz)
          •  Sports Focused Measurement Questions                                                                                                                                 Main activity
                                                               Main activity                                                Main activity                                         •  Buzz
          Main activity                                        •  Numeracy Challenge (starter)                              •  Assignment sheet 2                                 •  Vocabulary (glossary)
          •  Students will sit a 45 minute pre- exam on mea-   •  Class discussion/brainstorm (starter):                    •  Mapping tables of values                           •  Chapter 9 (select questions)
              surement                                         •  When problems arise in our day-to-day lives, how do we    •  Selecting the correct graph to show data           •  Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motion investigation task
          •  Students will peer assess one another’s exam with     approach solving them effciently?                        •  Excel demonstration exploring the creation of tables   (EXTENSION)
              the teacher as facilitator                       •  When we wish to fnd information/understanding, what do       as well as graphs                                  •  Review
                                                                   we do? What are our resources for this?                  •  Review
          Strategies to teach ‘below level’ students:          •  How might the word “size” (in the assignment question) be                                                       Strategies to teach ‘below level’ students:
          Each student will sit an exam that spans a range of      interpreted?                                             Strategies to teach ‘below level’ students:           Allow qualitative descriptions of trends in graphs
          skills varying in diffculty.                         •  Assignment work.                                          •  Provide examples of table of values as well as fxing
                                                               •  Discuss this with Parents at home.                           the variables so that it is easier to view a pattern.  Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students:
          Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students:                                                                       •  Provide step-by-step procedure on how to structure   Scaffold obtaining mathematical relationships between
          Each student will sit an exam that spans a range of   Strategies to teach ‘below level’ students                     assignment                                         variables through demonstration.
          skills varying in diffculty.                         Negotiate realistic targets associated with assessment rubric.                                                     See “(EXTENSION)”
                                                               Provide Secondary support assignment sheet 2                 Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students:
          Resources:                                                                                                        Negotiate possible alternatives to presentation of report   Resources
          Exam                                                 Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students                   as A4.                                                Heinemann Maths 10
                                                               Provide minimal structure to the assignment                                                                        (Relationships between Variables)
          Success Criteria:                                                                                                 Resources:
          Each student will be aware of their pre-test result.   Resources                                                  •  Assignment Sheet 2                                 Success Criteria
                                                               Assignment Sheet 1 & Assignment sheet 2.                     •  Laptop (Excel)                                     Students will be able to derive mathematical/qualitative
                                                                                                                            •  Heinemann Maths 10 Text (stored on shared drive)   relationships between variables.
                                                               Success Criteria
                                                               Each student will demonstrate a cursory plan for their research.  Success Criteria:
                                                                                                                            Each student will be able to demonstrate how to
                                                                                                                            construct a table of values by hand, and in Excel.

                            Table of Contents
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