Page 30 - RFDS TASMANIA - Senior Health Studies presentation _ Final Version v4_Neat
P. 30
Some Facts
• Childhood cavities are 55% higher for remote area children than
children in major cities.
• Number of filled teeth in remote area children is double
that of city children.
• A quarter (23%) of adults in major cities have untreated tooth
decay, but this rises to one third (37%) of remote area residents
• More than half (57%) of Indigenous Australians have one or more
teeth affected by decay
• Six in ten (63%) major city adults visited a dentist in a year,
compared to little more than four in ten (45%) visiting a
dentist in remote areas
• One in three (33%) remote area residents had a tooth
extraction in a year compared to little more than one in ten
(12%) people from major cities
• Cities have three times as many working dentists than country
areas, with 72 dentists for every 100,000 people in cities
compared to only 22 for every 100,000 people in the country.